Welcome to Fastcrm   How does it work?

Fastcrm is an easy-to-use customer relation ship management application.

Fastcrm simplyfies the sales process and coordinates your sales staff. The sales manager customizes the account and the sales force registers all acticity towards companies and contacts. Each sales staff overviews his companies as well as companies to engage in. Companies can be tracked and sorted by different criteria. A calendar shows each invidividual's actions as well as the rest of the organization.

Fastcrm runs stand-alone and requires no installation.

  • Fastcrm simplifies the sales process
  • Fastcrm coordinates the sales force
  • Fastcrm tracks all actions

Fastcrm Examples Fastcrm News Fastcrm Pricing
  • Besedo coordinates sales activities
  • Diamorph uses Fastcrm
  • Organoclick improves sales process
  • Nanologica choses Fastcrm
  • Fastcrm goes live
    Fastcrm charges a monthly subscription fee:
  • 1st user EUR5/month
  • 2nd-10th user EUR4/month
  • 11nd-20th user EUR3/month
  • 21st+ user EUR2/month
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